Dual monitors in 11.04

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Tue Nov 29 01:07:35 UTC 2011

I've been futzing around most of the day trying to get dual monitors set 
up with an Nvidia GeForce 8800 video card. One monitor on the DVI output 
and the other on the VGA out. Downloaded the latest and greatest drivers 
and installed them. Now shows both monitors in the Nvidia X server 
settings. Both monitors now show the same screen, I just can't seem to 
get them to work as separate screens. Have the setting in the X server 
settings set to "Separate X Screen" [ should it be "Twin View" ]. Have 
the screen I want as secondary to the right in the settings.

According to Nvidia web site it should be able to do. The card is 
supposed to support it. Didn't see anything about it in the driver stuff 
so ................

Most everything I found with Google and on the Ubuntu site dealt with 
older versions [ like 9.0x or something ].

What am I missing? Any suggestions?

Any help greatly appreciated.

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain 
the  people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the 
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- Patrick  Henry -

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