Does anybody know (of) clean fonts without anti-aliasing?

Anj Tuesday anj.tuesday at
Thu Nov 3 21:26:15 UTC 2011

Oh, the anti-aliasing looks just fine! I just get retro sometimes and
prefer to see 'exact' pixels.

Yes, the MS fonts are pretty ok without anti-aliasing, and Tahoma is 
still my first choice for a sans-serif non-anti-aliased font, but I'm 
tired to death of them...


On 03/11/11 21:58, Mark Greenwood wrote:
> Fonts aren't generally designed to look right without anti-aliasing.
> That said, the Verdana font was designed specifically to look clear on LCDs. You can get it by installing the msttcorefonts package.
> If anti-aliasing looks really bad, then it's possibly your graphics driver; on my system the anti-aliasing is horrible with the nouveau driver but with the proprietary nvidia driver it's better than on my Windows 7 machines.
> Mark
> On 3 Nov 2011, at 20:33, Anj Tuesday wrote:
>> Hello, list!
>> Most of the fonts I've tried don't look clean at *any* point size
>> without anti-aliasing. So I'm currently using Tahoma (sans serif),
>> Lucida Bright (serif), and Liberation Mono or Courier 10 Pitch
>> (monospace). But they're a little boring. Can anyone think of
>> alternatives?
>> Regards,
>> Anja
>> PS: I don't hate anti-aliasing but sometimes I like pixelly clarity...
>> --
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