install Kontact 4.6 in Natty

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Thu Jun 23 19:10:31 UTC 2011

On Thursday 23 June 2011 13:02:04 O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 23/06/2011 12:36, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> > Perhaps it was generating Akonadi/Nepomuk/Whatever indexes in the
> > background? Anyways it's nice that it works :-)
> actually what I meant is that KMail 1 used to chew 25% CPU for me on pop
> email retrieving while KMail 2 is rid of that behaviour - so this is a
> big bonus for me!

Nice. IMAP is also noticably faster. I had a couple of crashes during the 
KMail migration and I also had the problem with messages not showing up in the 
list. Also a few freezes but they seem to have stopped now.

The reproducable bugs are mainly cosmetic:

 - Global font changes isn't applied in KMail folder- and messagelist and in 
the calender month view.
 - KMail systray icon flickers on and off when syncronizing mail, if it is set 
to only show when there is unread mail.
 - Automatic spell checking doesn't seem to work in composer.
 - Kleopatra systray icon is missing.
 - Icons for ToDo list and Journal is missing.

These are just very minor cosmetic bugs so I'll just collect them during the 
next days and then use an hour or so on reporting them.
All in all I'm quite happy with this release and I'm glad that the team took 
the time to iron out serious bugs.
> As for the buglets when I have time will try to verify them
> As for the "conflict hang" it seems like some mails (have not happened
> today) carries 2 "times" in the header (guessing here) and then it hangs
> unless I happen to see the error message immediately and manually
> indicate the solution
Best regards / med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

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