Kontact .: no smooth address book sync with Google.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:02:59 UTC 2011

Dear Everybody

At present, I do not manage to smoothly and effectively sync the
"Akonadi-Googledate-Resource" address book in Kontact (@ Kubuntu Natty & KDE
4.6.2) with that of GMAIL. My question is: what else can I do to ensure a
smooth synchronisation beside from the measures summarised below?

As far as I know, I have done everything needed to ensure a smooth sync
between Kontact and GMAIL:

   - the package "Akonadi-KDE-Googledata" has been installed;
   - via System settings > personal data > KDE-resources I have added the
   address book "Akonadi Googledata Resource" and set that address book as
   - inside Kontact, I have added the same address book.

However, when trying to sync the address book in Kontact with that of GMAIL,
nothing happened at all. That's why I have taken recourse to some
provisional measure which I also took at the previous Kubuntu configuration
at my netbook:

   - exporting the address book from GMAIL to a vCard file;
   - importing that vCard file into Kontact while adding it to the
   "Akonadi-googledata-resource" address book indicated there.

The contacts all have been imported as far I can see - however, without the
photo's attached to several of them: inside the address books in GMAIL as
well as at my Nokia N900. Also after syncing Kontact with GMAIL, the photo's
do not show up in Kontact. This is weird - they still did so at the previous
Kubuntu configuration after exactly the same procedure.

For those who will reply: thx. for your feedback. Respectfully yours.

Bas Roufs.

*Bas G. Roufs*
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M./SMS +31 6 446 835 10
T. +31 30 785 2040
E. BasRoufs at gmail.com
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