Media player for internet radio?

Clay Weber claydoh at
Tue Jun 14 21:19:28 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:18:22 AM gene heskett wrote:
> Greetings everybody;
> My garage is also a workshop, making high quality sawdust.  But my 
> seems to be getting more senile than I am, refusing to stay on 
station for
> more than 10 minutes or so.
> I also have an old 1 Ghz I've Been Moved box with a 'Tahoe' main 
board in
> it with kubuntu 10.4 installed on it, called goat because its the
> sacrificial test box.  Sunday I booted it and updated it, then found a
> media player that gave me a list of internet radio stations that was 
> extensive and I found a CW station that was playing decent music.
> Monday, I couldn't find that player again, all there seems to be now 
> RythmBox, whose radio menu has only about 10 stations, either 
classical or
> new age, and with about 90 db of bass boost.  Obviously that is not 
> Can anybody tell me where the good internet radio program went 
> Sunday & Monday?  Perhaps have synaptic re-install it maybe?
> Cheers, gene

Amarok has scripts that add new radio stations, but Clementine 
comes to mind as a player with quite a few stations available by 
default. Probably they are shoutcast or icecast streams. Which means 
you can also just use a browser from either of those sites.

There are also a few players listed in the package manager that offer 
these streams.

I don't know where your player went, unfortunately :/

Clay Weber 

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