Tex Questions

Allan Aguilar gnu84 at lavabit.com
Mon Jun 6 04:10:00 UTC 2011

On 04/06/11 08:48, Bill vance wrote:
> [...] Is there a program like a word processor of some sort for using
> Tex? [...]

Hello, Bill:

A good option, which I love, is Kile [1].  You may use it to work with
TeX, LaTeX and BibTeX documents, and you can compile in pdfTeX and
pdfLaTeX (among others) with many options.  You may give it a try.

   There is an extensive LaTeX book in Wikibooks [2] which you
might want to check to get you up to date.

[1] http://kile.sourceforge.net/
[2] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/wiki/LaTeX
Allan Aguilar
Editor, Editorial Hagamos al Hombre
Bitácora: https://gn126.wordpress.com
Mensajería: gnu at jabber.org
Correo: gnu84 at lavabit.com
Teléfono: +506 8738 0397

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