Permissions problems are being a huge PIMA
gene heskett
gheskett at
Mon Jan 31 23:21:00 UTC 2011
On Monday, January 31, 2011 05:54:33 pm Tom H did opine:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 2:19 PM, gene heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> > On Monday, January 31, 2011 02:18:25 pm Tom H did opine:
> >> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:46 AM, gene heskett <gheskett at>
> >> > I do the 99.999999999% of my email activities from a nice comfy
> >> > chair, in a nice comfy heated house.
> >> >
> >> > The machine in the shop runs 24/7 though, so it is 'mounted' as a
> >> > cifs share, and this is where the PIMA starts.
> >> >
> >> > Because the *buntu's start their user number schemes at 1000,
> >> > whereas the rest of the known universe starts at 500, even though
> >> > I am the user gene on both boxes, I have no write perms via cifs
> >> > in the /home/gene tree on the milling machines kubuntu install.
> >> >
> >> > So that I can save a useful bit of rs-274 nc code directly from an
> >> > email received on this machine, directly to the
> >> > /home/gene/emc/nc_files directory on that *buntu box in the shop,
> >> > what then is the std procedure to establish that the user gene=500
> >> > on this box, is the user gene=1000 on that box?
> >>
> >> The "UID_MIN 1000" setting is a Debianism that you can modify in
> >> "/etc/login.defs".
> >
> > As that is set at install time, from read-only media, that doesn't
> > sound practical to do now.
> You can boot into single user mode and do either of the following:
> 1. Delete the user created at install, modify "/etc/login.defs", and
> re-create the user. (Only useful at first boot!)
That was 6 months and a lot of carved steel before. :)
> 2. Modify the uid of the user, modify "/etc/login.defs", and chown
> the user's home directory recursively with the new uid.
In this order? I am currently ssh -Y'd into that box and I'd hate doing
half of it and being locked out. So, I first modified /etc/adduser.conf,
then /etc/group, finally /etc/passwd (all as sudo -i), then cd'd to /home
and did the chown -R gene:gene gene bit. A couple of ls -l's seem to
indicate it all worked. Backed out of the sudo with a ctrl-d. But emc
wouldn't run, something about a BadWindow error. Sudo reboot, & close the
link. Waited for a ping to work then it took 3 passes before it bought my
password again, but I'm back in with an "ssh -Y shop" as gene on this box.
But, emc still has a tummy ache over X and exits. Humm, that box was
sitting at a local login prompt when I started, and is sitting there again
as I doubt my ssh login starts the x server.
Does that fit with this error exit on emc's part?
gene at shop:~$ cd emc2
gene at shop:~/emc2$ emc -l
EMC2 - 2.4.6
Machine configuration directory is '/home/gene/emc2/configs/genes-mill'
Machine configuration file is 'genes-mill.ini'
Starting EMC2...
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GetWindowAttributes)
Resource id in failed request: 0xffffffff
Serial number of failed request: 749
Current serial number in output stream: 750
Shutting down and cleaning up EMC2...
Cleanup done
EMC terminated with an error. You can find more information in the log:
as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal
Or have I royally screwed the moose here?
> (You may also have to edit "/etc/adduser.conf" if you use adduser
> rather than useradd.)
> >> If you're using samba, you can use the "username map" smb.conf option
> >> with /path/to/file/
I am still studying on this.
Thanks Tom.
Cheers, Gene
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