Kubuntu & multicore processor

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at ajinfosearch.com
Thu Jan 27 14:11:56 UTC 2011

On Thursday, January 27, 2011 02:41:01 am Aylin Kantarci wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a multicore i7 950 processor. Do you recommend kubuntu for it? If so,
> on the download page, it is written that the recommended version is 32 bit
> version. However, i7 950 is an 64 bit processor. Which version of Kubuntu do
> you recomend?
> 32 bit or 64 bit?
> Regards

You should have no problem running Kubuntu on that.  Intel does contribute to the kernel and I have never had a problem with any cpu running any distro.  

As for the 64 bit question:  That should depend on how much memory you have.  A 32 bit system can only address about 3.[something] gigs of memory.  The usable memory is less subtract your graphics card memory and various other things.  If you're running an i7 950 I really hope you have more than 4 gigs.  If you have 8 gigs then you want the 64 bit version.  There used to be a lot of problems with a 64 bit architecture but that is in the past.  The flash problem is fixed when you install the package from the repositories.


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