Grub screen when booting

Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue Jan 25 06:51:20 UTC 2011

Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 25/01/2011 16:29, Nils Kassube wrote:
> > <>.
> Now, this is a most interesting thing which I don't believe that I
> have noticed before (I often check my own posts and have never
> noticed this behaviour, or, at the least, paid attention to).
> Clicking on the URL you provided above doesn't take *me* to the
> BEGINNING of that Ubuntu doco. entry but to the point/spot at which
> it appears that you *copied*/saved the URL and which is some screen
> pages down from the beginning of the article you quote above in your
> post.
> I wonder why this is so?

There is no magic involved - have a closer look at the URL. Everything 
before the "#" character is the URL for the page and the part after the 
"#" is the pointer within that page. At the beginning of the page there 
are some links to individual paragraphs and I used one of those links. I 
simply copied the link from the address bar to the mail.

> I can see that you are using Kmail for your mail but don't know what
> you are using as a browser. Is this where the answer lies :-) ? (I
> use FF as the browser.)

Usually I use konqueror sometimes rekonq and seldom FF - but it has 
nothing to do with the browser.


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