wap11 question

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Tue Jan 4 20:55:05 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, January 04, 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> s one has been opened up and well searched with no luck.  And of course 
> the ethernet snmp tool, wap11-gui, has not been buildable on linux since 
> 2.6.24, wayyyy back up the log from 2011.  I just did find a quad of pads 
> to mount a teeny pushbutton to, labeled S901.  If the switch was
> installed,  its operating stem would stick out, presumably flush, with a
> hole in the back edge of the pan, centered between the power socket and
> the usb port. The hole of course has not been drilled. ;)

I guess the only other trick I can think of is to hold the xxxxx button while 
plugging the power in.   Where xxxx would be an ON button or anything else 
that might fit.

But the Users guide should tell you that.

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