OpenOffice can't save to a directory with # in the name
Reinhold Rumberger
rrumberger at
Mon Feb 21 18:28:34 UTC 2011
On Montag 21 Februar 2011, 19:03:31, Michael Hirsch wrote:
> I just solved a tricky problem with OpenOffice. I'm writing this
> email for two reasons. First, it might help someone else with the
> same trouble. Second, I'd like to file a bug and I need advice as to
> where to file it.
> My wife has a directory named "Troop #441". Every time she save a
> file to that directory it ended up in her home dir in a file named
> "Troop". Actually, I think it was named "Troop " but that took a
> while to figure out.
> I finally found that it was the pound sign "#"
That would be a hash sign - this is the pound sign: £
> in the directory name.
> There is something wrong with saving to such a directory.
> Some more experimenting showed that it was only when using the KDE
> dialogs in OO. When I switch to using only the OO dialogs
> (Tools->Options->General and click "Use OpenOffice dialogs") the
> problem went away. Of course, now she has ugly dialogs, but at least
> they work.
> So my question is where do I file this bug. It appears to be in the
> implementation of the KDE dialogs in OO. Who does that? Where is the
> bug DB?
Well, like anything else *buntu, try (Actually, from a terminal
window type "ubuntu-bug".)
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