Wireless dead with next kernel

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Mon Aug 29 06:44:01 UTC 2011

gene heskett wrote:
> This is probably the wrong list,

Why? I don't think so. Granted, you might get a wider audience on the
ubuntu-users list because the problem isn't Kubuntu specific, but IMHO
this list is fine.

> the machine is a lappy with 10.04
> LTS plus all of the older KDE-4.5.4 installed.  I am going to try to
> make kmail work for an out of state trip the end of the week.
> The updater installed a slightly newer kernel from the Lucid LTS
> repo's, but when I reboot to it, the wireless is dead, I assume
> because ndiswrapper doesn't load the dongles needed bcmwlhigh5.xx
> driver.  But if I try to reinstall it again, ndiswrapper says its
> already installed.

Did you remove the remains from the old ndiswrapper version before you
installed the new one like it is explained at [1]?

> I can back up to the slightly older kernel, a
> 2.6.32-22 IIRC, and it all works perfectly and as fast as my cable
> circuit allows.
> The newer kernel is a 2.6.32-34 IIRC.

Please check the kernel version with the command

uname -r

in a terminal (konsole). If it is really 2.6.32-34, then you probably
have the lucid-proposed repository enabled. I'm not so sure if that is a
good idea - from [2]:

| "Pre-released Updates" enables the Proposed repository, which is the
| testing area for updates. This repository is recommended only to
| those interested in helping to test updates and provide feedback.

So if it really is the 2.6.32-34 kernel, you may consider to file a bug
report [3]. Then I would propose to first install the 2.6.32-33 kernel
which comes from lucid-updates or lucid-security. Finally disable the
lucid-proposed repository and uninstall the 2.6.32-34 kernel. Of course
I can't tell you if your wireless would work with the 2.6.32-33 kernel
because I don't have that hardware.

> While I am here, what key combo brings up the early grub bootfile
> selection screen?

From [4]:

| Hold down SHIFT to display the menu during boot. In certain cases,
| pressing the ESC key may also display the menu.


[2] <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu>
[3] <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs>
[4] <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2>

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