Opening *.cs files in MonoDevelop

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Aug 2 08:59:06 UTC 2011

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 22:30, Waleed Hamra <kubuntu-users at> wrote:
> i dont have monodevelop here, but i would suggest checking the command
> line needed to open a file in monodevelop, check its man page, or try
> different parameters on the command line. once you get it, adjust the
> command line for the file association from systemsettings.
> hope this helps.

Hello there!

I did try opening monodevelop from the cli with the filename, and with
the %u %o %p parameters like other applications use. Nothing helped.
However, interestingly, after updating to KDE 4.7 simply clicking on
the file started working. I've been suffering this for months, and now
that I post it fixes itself!

Have a great day, thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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