since yesterday: no sound :-(

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at
Sun Apr 3 19:38:00 UTC 2011

On Sunday, April 03, 2011 07:20:31 am Michael Renner wrote:
> Moin,
> I don;t know what I have done (wrong), but I can not record from the microphne 
> device since yesterday.
> I use kubuntu lucid at an i386 with ALSA. Playback works fine, and I can hear 
> the microphone sound from the speaker (as long as the microphone cannel is not 
> muted). But  neither with audacity, nor with xosope (or any other application) 
> the microphone sound is available.
> With xmix, the microphne is selected as the recording device, amixer show this 
> output:
> renner at lyra:~$ amixer
> Simple mixer control 'Master',0


>   Mono: Playback [on]
> Any hint?
> Thanks

Is pavucontrol installed?  If not install it and use it first before you start pulling your hair out.


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