is 64 bit ready for primetime yet?

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sun Apr 3 02:14:24 UTC 2011

On Saturday, April 02, 2011 09:33:48 PM Paul Lemmons wrote:
> When Natty comes out I am planning on doing a clean install. My first on
> this particular machine since Feisty. I am considering the 64 bit
> version. The machine has more than 4GB of ram so I have been
> successfully running the pae version without any real hiccups.  It has
> been a long time since I considered "real" 64 bit and was wondering has
> it matured to the point where it is as smooth, application and stability
> wise, as the 32 bit version? In particular: Firefox? Flash? Java? VMWare
> Workstation?

You won't see a difference. There really hasn't been a difference in years, 
really. Everything you list works the same, tho I have not used Vmware - 
Virtualbox works just dandy here. Run a livecd and see, is what i would do, or 
even dual-boot for a spell if you have a spare partition. That's what I did in 
deciding on 32 vs 64 bit on my desktop, primarily a Boxee/xbmc machine. 
Running that on 64 bit involved a lot of extra work a few years back, but when 
they started making 64bit versions, I dual-booted and saw no differences 
performance-wise, driver-wise, or flash-wise and what was broken in one was 
broken in th other :/ 

-- .
Clay Weber 

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