Which USB Scanners work? or maybe, fix the problem?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Wed Sep 29 11:34:13 UTC 2010

Hi Mark,

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 01:03, FarSight Data Systems
<msh at farsight-data.com> wrote:
> Maybe I'm looking at this wrong.
> If I don't have to go through the agita and expense of buying another
> scanner, why do it?
> My current scanners are an HP 6300c and a 6200c. The latter no longer
> responds to any of my Linux boxes (I admit I haven't tried it with Windows.
> I may).
> The 6300c does work, but it refuses to either do a preview scan or full scan
> after performing 1 to 4 of either.
> This is with xsane or the Gwenview plugin. Basically, what happens is I get
> an I/O error, meaning it loses connection somehow?
> The units I'm sure use some form of USB 1.0 or 1.1 (yes, they both have SCSI
> connections, but none of my current systems have SCSI ability anymore).
> So, if I can get them back to working with my current hardware and OS, I'd
> rather go that route.
> So, anyone have any ideas about this?

The best place to check for compatibility of printers and scanners are
these sites:

http://www.openprinting.org/printers for printers and

http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl for scanners.

If you aim at a combined device, openprinting is definitely the place
to look at.

So according to the same project, your HP 6200c is definitely
supported, you just need the sane-hp drivers for it:

This is the page for the HP 6300c:
which is also completely supported.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Myriam.

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