KOrganizer calendar flickering overlapping events. KOrganizer 4.4.2 in KUbuntu 10.04; jor Kubuntu

Clay Weber claydoh at claydoh.com
Mon Sep 6 14:31:48 UTC 2010

On Sunday, September 05, 2010 05:46:10 pm giovanni_re wrote:
> thanks for your great efforts, clay. :)
> On Sun, 5 Sep 2010 17:17:06 -0400, "Clay Weber" <claydoh at claydoh.com>
> said:
> > On Thursday, September 02, 2010 06:49:09 pm giovanni_re wrote:
> > > I doubt I can afford time to file a bug on this, since I'm too busy.  I
> > > could maybe provide some more specifics in regard to specific email
> > > questions.  Please file a bug if this hasn't been fixed (on both
> > > KUbuntu & KDE bug trackers?), & you can file the bug. Thanks.
> > 
> > Even though it seems that you are always too busy, the amount t of time
> > you have
> > already spent on this email with its detail is *perfect* for a bug
> > report,
> > actually. (you took the time to write it with quite a nice set of
> > information
> > actually) It has plenty of details that could help pinpoint either where
> > the
> > issue is or whether more specific info is needed. or whether this has
> > already
> > been fixed in 4.4.5's kdepim. You would probably be spending *less* time
> > if you
> _if_ :  Point: only if I _had_ known about those venues, which i didn't.
> Thanks to your last email, though, I put on my long todo list to try to
> make time to forward my email on to those other 2 lists - kdepim & bugs.

How much time does it take to recompose an email for a different list? You 
forward stuff to other lists often enough, even this reply was forwarded, and i 
am not even subscribed to that list. 
Which is probably just confusing the subscribers there.

> Or, if you (or anyone) saw (or in the future sees) some/my info, & knew
> it should be moved to some other place/list/bugreport in the world, you
> or they could just as easily add those email addresses to cc when you
> sent the reply to me, & that would move the information closer to where
> someone able to step it one more step forward would see it, & would then
> thus be in a position to take that step.

Again, you want us to do your work for you. I am pointing you to these other 
places. I (and anyone else for that matter) may not have your issue at hand, 
or cannot reproduce it. So I am not capable of providing any necessary 
feedback to those who may look at the problem. And I sure am not going to be a 
middle-man funneling information, questions, and feedback back and forth.

> [That is my info for you, & everyone reading this, who possesses those
> abilities, can also, if _you/they_ have time, can perhaps very easily
> move things forward toward a better world for us all.]
> > asked about this in a better venue rather than in here - unless you are
> > wanting someone else to do the work for you, which it seems to be :(
> I don't wsetdtwf me.


> My intention was to give a seed of knowledge to the people with an
> interest, ability, & time to move the issue one further step towards
> resolution.

And I am pointing you to other, more relevant places that will add many, many 
more eyes than this tiny list provides. Which will save you  time in the end. 
Starting at the top for something that is not distro-specific is maybe a better 
place to start in this case (your pulseaudio installation questions on the 
other hand *do* belong here, as opposed to being cross-posted to the kde list)

> I could certainly file a bug report  (i've filed bug reports before) -
> if I had the time.  Time I don't have.
> I did also send that origianl bug message to the kde list.

> > I don't quite follow what you are seeing, but I am using kdepim 4.4.5 and
> > don't see any calendar issues with multiple items on one day.
> *****  One might need to have about 7+ different time overlapping
> events, in a way that causes both 1/3 & 1/4 spacing to occur.
> ***** A further piece of info:
> The flickering happened for several (2-12?) hours, & then stopped.
> ***** So, additionally, this might only happen when the current time
> marker line is within the bounds of one of the events.  *****
> =
> I'l send this to the kde list.
> Clay - what is the email address for the
> 1) bugs.kde.org as well the
> 2) kdepim mailing list
> ?

You are you serious?


> Thanks.
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