Skype test loopback pitch low problem, KUbuntu 10.04

Doug dmcgarrett at
Sun Sep 5 06:56:56 UTC 2010

On 9/4/2010 11:53 PM, giovanni_re wrote:
> KUbuntu 10.04 64 bit,  on a desktop box. AMD PhenomII 4 core 64 bit
> processor.
> Had installed pusle-audio several months ago, then removed it cause it
> is broken, IIRC, in KU 10.04
> Using a regular microphone&  speakers.
> With audacity recording&  playback program,
> my box records&  plays back fine.
> Skype test call:
> lady's voice sounds fine,
> but my voice comming back has a very low pitch.
> The timing rate of my voice is played back is correct.
> So, the problem is not that my voice is played back both
> - slower&  lower pitch.
> It is played back:
> - at the normal rate, but with very low pitch.
> Any suggestions to fix this?

Fix it?  Sounds like you should patent it!  --doug
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