[lucid] how to mount USB storage with correct permissions?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 20:22:40 UTC 2010

I have been unable to access USB devices under lucid, but it wasn't
important enough for me to bother with the problem until today.

After some googling I came across this thread:

which told me to install usbmount, which (at last) allows me to mount USB
drives so that I can see their contents.

But the drives are marked as being owned by root, so I can't write to them.

I tried changing the permissions on /dev/usb and /dev/usb0, but as soon as
a drive is actually mounted, the permissions change back so that only root
is allowed to write to the drive.

What do I have to do so that when I insert a USB drive into a USB port I
can, as an ordinary user, both read and write to the drive.

This has always worked in earlier versions of Kubuntu; and I never had to
install the usbstorage package before (or if it did have to be installed,
that was done automatically; I certainly never had to install it manually).
Something seems terribly amiss somewhere that this doesn't just work.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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