[lucid] audiocd:/MP3 is empty; how to fix?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 22:33:35 UTC 2010

Reinhold Rumberger said the following at 10/20/2010 03:55 PM :

>>   Information (gives "The process for the audiocd protocol died
>> unexpectedly" when clicked)
> Well, this means it can't open the CD for some reason - kinda giving 
> you a hint why the virtual directories might be empty...

If it can't open the CD, how can the "Full CD" directory be properly populated?

Sorry; I don't mean to be more than usually dense, but I just don't see how
the conclusion follows from the observed behaviour. Isn't opening the CD a
prerequisite for obtaining any information at all off the disc, just as it
would be for any "normal" filesystem hierarchy?


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