Grub too long and 3 Linux

Perry pwhite at
Mon Oct 11 16:49:09 UTC 2010

Le Saturday 09 October 2010 17.36:02 Goh Lip, vous avez écrit (you wrote) :
> On Saturday 09,October,2010 11:21 PM, Perry wrote:
> > Good to know, so one can expect more and more problems with new hardware
> > or software, until the old release becomes totally autistic.
> Autistic? Heh.
Right, it would be closer to the locked-in syndrome.
> But just to add to David's, don't forget to update-grub at the OS where
> it is set to sda (mbr) 
Not sure I understand. I thought Grub had to be on the mbr, (taking the place 
of M$ loader) unless the mbr contains another multiboot program that would 
chainload through Grub. The BIOS always starts reading the mbr, no? 
Also, as I understood it, the mbr is so small it can only contain enough code 
to trigger the execution of more code stored elsewhere...then I'm not sure of 
the details and where it is.
So (I know) all my KUbuntu releases placed Grub in the mbr, but the latest 
release installed may have overwritten an older Grub version and also perhaps 
changed some pointer to this extra code needed to boot. Therefore it seems 
sensible to update grub from that OS.
> so that the new kernels are included in the menu.
ans so the old kernels (purged) are excluded.
> Regards - Goh Lip
Thanks a lot and please do correct me if my conception is wrong.

Cheers		Perry

OT : really the worst thing about this Grand Unified Bootloader is its anagram, 
Grub, Grunt? Grab? Whereas Lilo was so sweet a name.

BOFH excuse #454: Keyboard Actuator Failure.  Order and Replace.

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