Kubuntu 10.10 Audex and ripping to ogg

Mark Fraser ubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Fri Nov 19 19:23:31 UTC 2010

I have just upgraded one of my computers to 10.10 and all seems ok apart from 
the fact that I can't use Audex to rip CDs to ogg any more.

I've done a search and it seems that the upgrade of vorbis-tools, as shown in 
this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audex/+bug/668682.

As I can't seem to find a pre-compiled package for Audex with this patch I am 
trying to compile from source. This isn't going too well - not helped by the 
fact that the website seems to have gone - and I can't find instructions for 
how to complile it and what other packages I need.

Can anyone help?

Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org
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