System emails

Mark Fraser ubuntu at
Sat May 29 13:38:25 UTC 2010

I've just been trying to sort out rkhunter on this computer and in doing so 
found that the file /var/mail/mail has been filling up with emails, I've tried 
searching on the Internet, but there is no mention of this file only 

So is /var/mail/mail the same as /var/mail/root and if not why has it been 

Also one error that seems to keep popping up is:

Cron <root at Rachael> start -q anacron || :
 From: Cron Daemon <root at rachael>
 To: root at rachael
start: Job is already running: anacron

Any idea why I'm getting these? They all seem to have the same time of 07:30.

Registered Linux User #466407

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