No subject

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sun May 16 18:33:48 UTC 2010

On Sunday, May 16, 2010 01:39:56 pm John Casperson wrote:
> I have repeatedly tried to register for the Kubuntu forums and do 
> succeed. The final question of "The answer is Yes" makes no 
sense. Are
> there any suggestions on getting registered?
> Thanks,
> John the new guy

lol the answer you need to enter is 'yes' in the box. Anti-bot 
registrations are annoying, but unfortunately these are necessary as 
there have been tons of spam/porn bots hitting KFN recently so we 
have had to take these measures.

I will contact the forum admin and see about changing that question 
or clarifying it a little.

Also please note that is not connected in any 
way to Ubuntu/Canonical or this list, which might mean I should	
also look at having a 'contact us' button or something more obvious 
to assist in situations like this

Clay Weber

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