re How best to activate a mobile internet modem/ SIM card

Eric Lee Elliott linux at
Sun May 16 15:21:58 UTC 2010

 >At present, I am trying to activate a mobile internet modem and SIM
 >card at my netbook: Asus 1001HA together with Kubuntu Karmic. For LAN
 >and WLAN, I am using now WICD, with which I have better experience
 >than KNetworkmanager. However, WICD does not work with my mobile
 >broadband internet modem + SIM-card. The mobile internet modem is a
 >"HUAEI Model E1820 HSPA+ USB Slider".
 >I am looking for one or more software package(s) which I could use
 >next to or in addition to WICD.
 >Does "KPPP" have relevance in this context? If so, how to use that 

Your 3G modem is not WIFI, it can not be configured by Knetworkmanager 
using Wireless tab.

Open configuration screen of Knetworkmanager.  Delete entries in 
Wireless tab.  Select Mobile Broadband tab.  Select add. Select GSM. 
Ignore what you were told about configuring for use in US of A, use your 
local carrier's configuration in "Add Network Connection" box.  Voda is 
your carrier?  I know 0 of Voda.

In US of A, I enter *99#, & prefer 3G, that is my whole 
configuration.  Entering more might cause troubles.  Authentication here 
is in hardware, not any UID or PWD I can enter.  Voda my differ.

kppp worked in Kubu 8 thru 10.04 with several SIM bearing modems 
including model you have.  Kubu 9 & 10 work with Knetworkmanager & 
several SIM bearing modems.


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