How best to activate a mobile internet modem/ SIM card @ Kubuntu Karmic?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Sat May 15 13:56:07 UTC 2010

Dear Everybody

At present, I am trying to activate a mobile internet modem and SIM
card at my netbook: Asus 1001HA together with Kubuntu Karmic. For LAN
and WLAN, I am using now WICD, with which I have better experience
than KNetworkmanager. However, WICD does not work with my mobile
broadband internet modem + SIM-card. The mobile internet modem is a
"HUAEI Model E1820 HSPA+ USB Slider".
I am looking for one or more software package(s) which I could use
next to or in addition to WICD.
Does "KPPP" have relevance in this context? If so, how to use that package?

Thanks, respectfully yours,


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