kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 64, Issue 21

Bill vance faptagon at gmail.com
Fri May 14 07:12:24 UTC 2010

> Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 10:09:31 +0300
> From: Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Status of Lucid???
> To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<AANLkTimZwQuZV_cuzl25ldHDutfi8UJYM91r9EZ4TR9I at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 13 May 2010 10:06, Bill vance <faptagon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm getting notices about the latest stable version of Lucid
>> being available.
>> Just how good/bad is it? ?Has it fixed the problems that
>> Karmic has, like sub microscopic printing in the menuing,
> I don't know what that is. Can you link to a bug report, or describe it.
>> or
>> on the various gadgets,
> Describe in detail what you are talking about.

When I select the gadget at the top left of an app window, the menuing
is legible, and
the size can be changed through KDE.  Just underneath that level, are
the application
menu gadgets, and the printing on them and their popups is so tiny, you need an
electron microscope just to detect them.  It's the same with the
function gadgets that
are usually located just under that level.  None of these are
changeable through KDE,
and its the same with every last stinking program, whether its part of
KDE or not.

Needless to say, I have not been a happy camper.

As for my HP Laserjet 5MP, it worked fine before the upgrade, but now
all the setup
stuff tells me that it can't find it, or that it's, "in the dungeon".
Further, it refuses to allow
me to pick the parallel port as its interface.  I seem to recall
others on the list having
problems getting their HP printers working, too, but its been a while.

>> and not being capable of recognizing,
>> or otherwise dealing with Hewlett Packard printers, etc?
> Works fine with my HP 4255.

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