How to get a white background and black text on lucid 10.04 kde desktop

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Thu May 13 17:16:20 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 18:43, user1 <bqz69 at> wrote:
>> You may have to register a new 'account' at launchpad.
> Oh yes, I tried to do that, but the procedure was very "sticky" (means
> the system filling the registry formular by it self not letting me do
> that) but I ended up with an account to launchpad, but I could still not
> get into the kde bug tracking system to report my bug, saying wrong
> username and password or something like that:-)

Because the KDE bug tracking system doesn't use launchpad, those are
completely separate bug trackers...

You have still not explained which application you want to have a
white background with black text in, could you please do that?

Regards, Myriam.
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