New Kubuntu install kernel panicing

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Mar 29 07:05:16 UTC 2010

> KDE has nothing to do with kernel panics.

Only hardware will cause a panic? Thanks.

> Have you tried live CDs, especially ones that include diagnostic
> software?

No, I haven't. Slax?

> Other kernel versions? Maybe one of them will be able to
> handle the hardware problem.

I will try a different kernel. Thanks.

> You may want to try to unplug everything that you don't need for
> booting. If you have built-in graphics, try using those instead of
> the card.

Will do.

> Since I don't have any experience with this kind of thing, that's all
> the ideas I have for now.

That got me at least two steps forward, so it was a big help. Thanks!

Dotan Cohen

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