network manager applet in kubuntu

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Mar 25 09:03:39 UTC 2010

Luca Ferrari wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running kubuntu 9.1 and I've noted that the network manager applet is not 
> working properly:
> 1) it does not connect me to a PSA-WSK network
> 2) it does not allow me to edit a mobile broadband conenction when a huawey 
> meodem is plugged in.
> I've found that the gnome counterpart applet is working fine, so my question is 
> if the kde one have still some bugs or I'm missing something.
Can I ask how you went about to install that instead of the kde network 
manager? I also have some minor problems and would like to try it out.

Kind regards

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