Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Wed Mar 24 01:34:25 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 24 March 2010, Steve Morris wrote:
> I have to work around an issue that the
> live cd is not compatible with my monitor. I have an Acer AL1716
> flat screen monitor, and when the Karmic live cd loads the
> desktop I get a black screen with a floating dialogue saying
> "Input not supported". From memory the only way to fix this is to
> switch to another tty session, login, and run Xrandr to change
> the resolution/refresh rate, but I will need to play around.

Doesn't the live CD have some sort of "safe graphics" mode you can 
choose on boot? That should use some VGA resolution and driver, which 
should be usable with pretty much any monitor & graphics card 


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