Upgrade to beta?

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Fri Mar 19 16:28:45 UTC 2010

Knapp wrote:
> Is it safe to upgrade to the beta? Yes, I know what beta means but
>  how is it going? How stable is it now? Anyone playing with it? What
>  do you think about it so far?

For me Kubuntu Lucid is very stable. IIRC, there were only 2 problems 
with the X server not starting around the time of alpha 2 but they were 
repaired on the next day. And when the developers asked to test the 
plasma-widget-networkmanagement it didn't work for me until I removed 
some old config somewhere in the ~/.kde directory. However, I must admit 
that I didn't test many programs thoroughly. I have installed the 32 and 
64 bit versions on a laptop with Intel graphics. So far it looks great. 
And remember that KDE doesn't come with the new Ubuntu design. Anyway, I 
would suggest you try a LiveCD first on the designated machine to check 
if your hardware is sufficiently supported.


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