Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at ntlworld.com
Sat Mar 13 19:46:47 UTC 2010

On Saturday 13 Mar 2010 19:12:13 Reinhold Rumberger wrote:
> On Saturday 13 March 2010, Mark Greenwood wrote:
> > You're completely ignoring the information before you. You're not
> > the only one, this is exactly the reason I gave up with my
> > original bug report.
> > 
> > Let me see if I can explain it any more clearly. Perhaps something
> > is being lost in translation.
> > 
> > With a choice of three OSs, the only combination that does not
> > work is when I boot *from* Kubuntu into another.
> I've kinda been replying to Steve and not you; for him the only 
> combination that does not work is the Kubuntu->Win7, for which he is 
> apparently using an unsupported driver.
> IOW, this seems to be a different issue from yours, which is why I'm 
> ignoring any info you gave while I'm concerning myself with *his* 
> problem - it just doesn't apply. Also, this thread is kinda long and 
> I can't keep everything in mind.

OK, I kind of assumed we had the same problem as the symptoms look the same (at least to me) and I was trying to add more info. But if you think they're different problems then I'll step out so you can keep focussed. I've been round this loop before.. :-)

> > This only applies on my Sony laptop. My Acer laptop and my desktop
> > reset properly. I know it could be a BIOS issue, but if it is
> > then why does Mandriva work?
> 'Cause Sony uses a buggy ACPI table

Oh now there we definitely agree :-)


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