Where is that darn icon?

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at ajinfosearch.com
Sat Mar 6 17:35:46 UTC 2010

I downloaded a nice icon for Ubuntuone that I since lost.  I set it as the 
icon for a folder and want to use again.  After looking at all over the place 
online, going through every single page, it is no longer out there.  The odd 
thing is that it still shows up as the icon in Dolphin's places sidebar even 
though it has been deleted.  It showa up in the Lancelot Favorites too, but I 
think it gets it from the same place.  I searched my machine from top to 
bottom and cannot find it anywhere. 
So my question is where does Dolphin keep the icons that it shows in the 
Places sidebar?


"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from 
the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Abraham Lincoln

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