Games, Drivers & all

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Tue Mar 2 10:38:39 UTC 2010

On 2 March 2010 10:48, Varun Jindal <seeu.varun at> wrote:
>> Thank you Jonas for the guidance. I think I have i386 architecture PC
>> (Intel 945G chipset on a Compaq). Kubuntu Version is 9.10.
>>> For C++, I originally referred to an IDE. (Like, for Windows we have
>>> Turbo C++ IDE where we can create, compile & run the code). Is there any
>>> such IDE available for Linux too? Otherwise, if gcc is already there (that
>>> should mean all the libraries are also there), how can I run C/C++ code in
>>> Konsole?

There are several GUI for C/C++ developement. Kdevelop is the one for
the KDE desktop but the stable version is for KDE 3.5 and is getting
old, the KDE 4 version is still a beta.
If you have a good computer Netbeans is a really good IDE for several
different programming language including C/C++.
There are several other to, it all depends on what language you are
writing in and if you writing for a special desktop.

>  >> My Windows NTFS Drives are temporarily mounted when I click on them in
> Dolphin. I have to mount them again after rebooting or even after
> Hibernating! Isn't there any permanent solution?
>>>Finally, I won't be able to download Kubuntu DVD image for the lack of
>>> internet connection at home. And KPackageKit needs Internet for downloads.
>>> INSTEAD, I heard that Synaptic is the best Package manager around. Could
>>> someone get me DIRECT DOWNLOAD link for SYNAPTIC (deb file) Please? (I
>>> couldn't find a .deb file for download!!)

Synaptic is probably the best GUI packagemanager but it work the same
way that KpackageKit do, you need Internet or a Kubuntu CD/DVD.
Did you tried to search for Synaptic in the link i gave you? Anyhow
here are the result

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