20100228KU -- Taskbar & Network "Disaster"

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 03:24:43 UTC 2010

On Sun, 28 Feb 2010 17:16:14 -0600, "bmacasuru" <bmacasuru at fastmail.us>
> Greetings --
> Several list members have recently helped me in trying to get
> multi-media to work, and I am MOST appreciative of the help.  I simply
> MUST have done something terribly wrong during an update process.  The
> result is that there is NO bottom panel OR task-bar any longer.  As one
> result of this, I can no longer establish ANY Internet connection, even
> though the hardware is still in place as before.  Can anyone assist me
> is recovering my bottom panel and its original entries?

Sounds like your plasma config has got messed up :( 

First off have you rebooted? (probably won't make any difference)

You need to reset your plasma desktop, to do so:

1. Switch to the console (Ctal-Alt-F1)
2. enter the following commands: 
  rm $HOME/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
  rm $HOME/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktoprc 

Then reboot:
 sudo reboot


Lindsay Mathieson

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