kmail standard templates [was: kmail lock file problems]

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Sat Jul 17 14:51:09 UTC 2010

On Saturday 17 July 2010, Gene Heskett wrote:
> 21:47 -5:00
> so it gives local time, then the UTC offset.  But that is not the
> usual, it just impressed me with the preciseness when I saw it. 
> Here on the net, one never knows what time it may be, or have
> been, at the other end of the msg.

The date line of an email's header is standardised. I don't recall 
the RFC's number, but I'm sure it isn't hard to find (wikipedia 
probably links to it).
Anyhow, you can do what I suggested and write a script that extracts 
the Date line and applies the UTC offset - it shouldn't be too 


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