kmail standard templates [was: kmail lock file problems]

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sat Jul 17 14:32:19 UTC 2010

On Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:16 am Nils Kassube did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Two more questions in re kmail reply formatting:
> > 
> > How does one get the %DATE and %TIME macros to return in UTC ?
> Set your time zone to UTC? Actually I'm not aware of a macro for that.

Someone has it,  t-bird maybe?, I get msgs showing it like this

21:47 -5:00

so it gives local time, then the UTC offset.  But that is not the usual, it 
just impressed me with the preciseness when I saw it.  Here on the net, one 
never knows what time it may be, or have been, at the other end of the msg.

> > And what is the macro's %name to put the senders name in the greeting
> > line?
> It is %OFROMNAME (if I understand you right). You can select available
> macros from a list labled "Insert Command" below the vertical tabs on
> the standard templates page.

And I'm an idiot, the 'insert command' button I missed, I was expecting a 
drag & drop from the left window when there was one.  Doh!  Now I can quit 

Thank you very much, Nils.

Cheers, Gene
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