Please do not include the new Kaddress book in KDE SC 4.4

Alvin info at
Mon Jan 18 15:13:52 UTC 2010

On Friday 15 January 2010 17:27:41 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> KDE SC 4.4 includes a new application called Kaddressbook, which is a
> rewrite of the previous application also called Kaddressbook in KDE <=
> 4.3.x. The new version in KDE 4.4 is not feature complete, rather, it
> was intended for having an Akonadi-enabled version (as per the
> Kaddressbook developer). As this version is not feature-complete,
> please include the old (KDE <= 4.3.x) version in *buntu 10.04 so that
> users can continue using the application.
> The bug is filed here:

Oh, God, I saw the bugs you filed. I really, really like what they are doing 
with Akonadi, and I would love to see Akonadi make adressbook sharing 
possible, but please, don't let the users be testers.

I don't like the way this is going. We deployed Kubuntu at the workplace, and 
nobody likes it if things that worked before do not work anymore, even if they 
are small.

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