Photo printing from Gimp

David Fletcher dave at
Sat Jan 16 17:20:50 UTC 2010

Using Hardy with an Epson Stylus Photo 950.

Anybody else have this problem? When I print a photograph from the Gimp, 
chances are that the first attempt will screw up the print by starting part 
way along the paper. When it did it just now, it started just over a third of 
the way along, but stopped within the small border I set and spat out the 
print. When I went in to repeat the print, it thought it was still printing 
the previous one, with the percentage completed counting up until finished.

The next attempt at the same picture on the same paper worked properly.

I don't print many photos, but this has been happening for quite a while and 
is infuriating. Just wondering if anybody else suffers from it.


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