Nepomuk and Akonadi

Brendan mailinglist at
Thu Feb 18 22:21:20 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 17 February 2010, Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> Still trying to make both work so to get back the addressbook and the
> calendar ...
> So, I enabled Nepomuk (and Strigi) from the System setting.  After reboot
> though go the message:
> "Nepomuk was not able to find the configured database backend 'redland'."
> What is this? Is it normal or should be somehow fixed?  Thanks.
> gk for the issue. KDE blogs have had a few lists of 
commands...hang on...

akonadictl stop                                                                                                                                        
qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver quit                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental                                                                                                                          
rm ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/*                                                                                    
nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage                                                                                                                      
akonadictl start 

This is after you make sure that your redland backend is installed...

This is what I worked.

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