No desk top computer?
Tom Bell
cbell44 at
Wed Feb 17 23:56:00 UTC 2010
Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Neil Winchurst <barnaby at> wrote:
>> We have lived in a fairly small house for over 7 years now. It was quite
>> big enough for us, but we now seem to have acquired three grandchildren.
>> I use one of the bedrooms as a study where I have my desktop computer.
>> With all the bits and pieces it takes up quite a lot of room so there is
>> a bit of a palaver when we have visitors. Hints have been dropped!!
>> So I am wondering about replacing the desktop with a (good sized) laptop
>> computer. This leads me on to wonder if any list members do not use a
>> desk top at all, and rely on a laptop only. Anyone? Anything to consider
>> if I go down that route?
> It sounds like buying a laptop would be spending a lot of money to
> solve an intermittent issue. You'd be better off finding a small
> desktop and moving it to another room when the need arises.
> I recently bought my parents computers from They are
> quite small (so not very expandable, but neither is a laptop) and
> zareason will put Linux on it for you. They are also much quiter than
> any computer in a tower case I've ever seen.
> My mom was thrilled because it fit into such a small area, but it had
> an external screen, so it didn't strain her eyes like a laptop would.
> Michael
Personally, I would get some hammocks and hang them outside,
giving guests all the room they desire at bedtime. They would
probably appreciate having a choice.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal), Roman Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
("Who will protect us from the protectors?")
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