/etc/rc.local does not run at boot

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Sun Feb 14 21:55:38 UTC 2010

On Sunday 14 February 2010, Larry Alkoff wrote:
> Bruce Marshall wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 February 2010, Larry Alkoff wrote:
> >>> What is the output of
> >>> find /etc -name *rc\.local -print0 ¦ xargs -0 ls -l
> >> 
> >> root at arriba /# find /etc -name *rc\.local -print0 ¦ xargs -0 ls
> >> -l find: paths must precede expression
> >> Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [path...] [expression]
> >> 
> >> I don't know much about using find but your syntax didn't work.
> > 
> > Did you try my   echo test??
> Yes I tried the 'echo test'.  At the end of rc.local I have
> echo Finished rc.local without error. > /etc/finished-rclocal
> as the very last line.
> That indicates to me that there were no error codes returned in
> the script - at any point.
> Is it correct that an error code returned anywhere in rc.local
> will stop it from running?  Is it possible that some line will
> return an error code but rc.local will create the file "finished
> rclocal"?

/etc/rc.local starts with "#!/bin/sh -e", so you're right that no 
error occurred during the execution of the script, if that last line 
was executed.


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