/etc/rc.local does not run at boot

Larry Alkoff labradley at mindspring.com
Sun Feb 14 21:21:47 UTC 2010

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 14 February 2010, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>>> What is the output of
>>> find /etc -name *rc\.local -print0 ¦ xargs -0 ls -l
>> root at arriba /# find /etc -name *rc\.local -print0 ¦ xargs -0 ls -l
>> find: paths must precede expression
>> Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [path...] [expression]
>> I don't know much about using find but your syntax didn't work.
> Did you try my   echo test??

Yes I tried the 'echo test'.  At the end of rc.local I have
echo Finished rc.local without error. > /etc/finished-rclocal
as the very last line.
That indicates to me that there were no error codes returned in the 
script - at any point.

Is it correct that an error code returned anywhere in rc.local will stop 
it from running?  Is it possible that some line will return an error 
code but rc.local will create the file "finished rclocal"?


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