(K)ubuntu @ Asus Eee PC 1001HA - request for advise.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 19:37:13 UTC 2010

Hello Lanzen and Everybody

> So now, roughly speaking, you should have:
> Win 68GB

No - 50,5 GB for the Windows partition. (In my previous mail I did not
write this clearly.)

> Unallocated  172GB

> System Recovery 10GB
The number, 10 GB, is right. The idea of a 'system recovery' at that
place sounds logic, but I am not sure about it.  Will this 'system
recovery' also function for the Kubuntu partition, in case of need?

> EFI 16MB (This is used to speed up boot time if set up to do so).

Yes. (Your explanation between brackets is clear.)

> Does it seem right to you?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Management
See my remarks above.

> You have to install into the unallocated partition using logical partitions.
"Logical partitions" are you aiming at the so-called "logical volume
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Management   ?

> would make a / (root), /home and swap.

Via a hand, non-guided, tailor made partitioning?

> You will end up with 3 primary partitions
You mean: the WIN partition, the 10 GB (system recovery?) partition
and the EFI partition?

> and an extended partition containing 3 logical partitions.
You mean the 'unallocated' partition, to be partitioned in / , /home and swap?

> You could run the live usb kubuntu remix an check it
Can I run 'Gparted' or something from such a live USB?

Thanks, respectfully yours,


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