Strange Konqueror Problem

Tony Sivori TonySivori at
Sat Feb 6 06:49:17 UTC 2010

Thomas Olsen wrote:
> You need the Web Archiver tool to be installed. On 9.10 this is provided
> by konq-plugins but on 8.0 the package name might be konqueror-plugins
> or maybe konqueror-plugin-minitools. Do a search for it:
> apt-cache search "Web Archiver"

I've tried several spellings with apt-get install and all I get is a
package not found error.

> and make sure it is installed. Maybe purge it and reinstall. Also make
> sure that the plugin is enabled in Konqueror.

I'm thinking this is the wrong road. The original web archives open fine.
It is only when I copy a .war file to a different hard drive or CD that it
won't open.

Tony Sivori

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