Strange Konqueror Problem

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at
Fri Feb 5 08:02:03 UTC 2010

On Thursday 04 February 2010, Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Tony Sivori <TonySivori at> 
> > Occasionally I archive web pages using Konqueror to archive the
> > page with the .war file type.
> I would guess that it is this extension that is giving you
> trouble. .war is an extension used by most Java application
> server to the bundle of file that encapsulates a java
> application.  Why not just use the .html extension?
> > All was well until I made a back up of the folder containing the
> > archived web pages. The back up was a simple copy and paste
> > from one hard drive to a second hard internal drive on the same
> > computer.
> > 
> > When attempting to open any of the copied web archives, I get
> > this error:
> > 
> > "There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated
> > Konqueror with application/x-webarchive, but it cannot handle
> > this file type."
> Konqueror doesn't know how to open a war and run the java code. 
> The question is why doesn't this happen on your original hard
> drive?  And I don't know the answer.  But I bet if you rename
> them all .html your problem would be solved.
> Alternatively, you could try changing your file association so
> that .war is associated with HTML files, and not with web
> archives.

You're completely misreading the situation as well as having no clue 
what he's actually doing. Konqueror bundles websites with their 
resources (pictures, etc.) into a specially structured tar file, 
which it calls "war". The fact that this extension is also used in 
java environments to bundle web applications is purely coincidental.


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