Move clock ahead five minutes

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Thu Feb 4 20:32:41 UTC 2010

On Thursday 04 February 2010, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> 1. aptitude install LargeHadronCollider
>> 2. lhc --create blackhole --time-bias +5 < date
>> 3. Grip edge of seat.
>I installed that at the server farm. You can see the webcam here:
>Removing ntpdate seems to have done the trick. Thanks, Nils!
Bear in mind that having the local clock set ahead of the real time may well 
be cause for rejecting your messages as that is a sure sign of a black hat 
activity, those guys never run their systems at real time because it makes 
them easier to locate.  So you may well find its more trouble than its worth.

Cheers, Gene
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