Failed installation of Wine and e-Sword.

nepal nepal.roade at
Tue Feb 2 10:11:24 UTC 2010

On Monday 01 Feb 2010 19:06:28 Steven Vollom wrote:
> I doesn't include the translation I want to us, and I have used
>  e-Sword for  years and enjoy certain features.  Additionally, I
>  have many saved features I would probably lose.  But mostly it is
>  the translation.  I have used e-Sword through Feisty, Gutsy,
>  Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, and also Karmic.  I had problems getting
>  it installed in each of the applications.  It is probably
>  something I don't understand.  In any event, eventually I get it
>  installed. It is important that I install e-Sword.  I have tried
>  Bible Time.  It is a great application; I just prefer e-Sword.
> Steven

I haven't followed all this thread, but have you considered setting up 
vbox (I think you said it was a W****ws application) and running it 
that way?

And then sometimes it is just time to move on...


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