Has Kubuntu become less stable?

Mark Greenwood captain_bodge at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 26 10:34:58 UTC 2010

On Sunday 26 Dec 2010 06:00:22 Doug wrote:

> Third comment: I have PCLOS , Ubuntu, Debian, and MINT, as well as Win 
> XP,  on a
> laptop, and only Win XP and PCLOS can kill the scratchpad when you plug 
> in a usb
> pointing device.  (It comes naturally with XP. apparently, and synaptiks 
> does it for
> PCLOS.) No Deb distro or spinoff has synaptiks or anything that works, 
> altho they

Rubbish. I have synaptiks installed on Kubutnu 10.10 and it disables the trackpad exactly like you say.

Nice rant, hope you feel better now :-)


> say they do. If I could get it working in MINT I might use that more.
> Fifth comment: I tried one of the "four letter" GUIs--I don't remember 
> if it was
> LXDE or the other one--and it would not let me put any icons on the desktop.
> I threw that CD out.  Any distro that forswears icons on desktop will be 
> forsworn
> by me instantly.
> So, somebody asks, why are you on the Kubuntu list?  Well, who knew? It 
> might
> have been improved over time, but from what I read, that hasn't happened.
> I'm still on the SuSE list for the same reason.  My mind isn't 
> closed--I'm willing
> to look at Wayward, or whatever it's called, when they think it's ready 
> for prime
> time.
> --doug

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